Dienstag, 7. April 2015

Finnish dishes

Finnish food experience

When someone asks me about the traditional Finnish food, only desert dishes cross my mind.

Korvapuusti- Cinnamon rolls

These kind of rolls remind me of Canada. They taste like the typical cinnamon rolls from Tim Hortons but without the icing. He flavor is describable with 3 words. Sweet, “cinnamonish”, and wired. Wired because one spice is quite unusual. It’s called cardamom. I don’t know why the Finnish cook decided to add this spice to the recipe. Of course, the rolls still taste very good, but I prefer the American ones.

Runebergin Torttu
This is one of the most delicious cakes I have ever tried. The taste reminds me of almond. The batter is very soft and moist. A Finnish friend taught me how to make it and I was surprised how easy it is. All you need are cookies, eggs, butter, milk, baking powder and sugar. After scrambling the cookies it is almost done. Simply mix all the ingredients and bake it in the stove. For finishing the cake it is necessary to put jam and powder sugar mixed with water alternatively on top of the cake.

Karjalanpiirakat – Rice bread
This is the only dish I know which is not related to any sweetness. I can exactly remember when I first tried this dish.
I have no idea what I expected, but I was a little bit disappointed. The filling, which is mainly made of rice, milk and butter is not every tasty in my opinion. Neither is the bread.
A few weeks later I was told, that I ate it the wrong way and that I should give it another try. I followed the preparation advice: I heated the rice bread up and prepared some beaten butter with boiled eggs and salt. After baking I spread some of the egg butter on top of the bread and I have to admit, it is definitely not bad, but not my favored dish at all.

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