Mittwoch, 25. Februar 2015

visit home for aged

Visit a home for elderly people

Today a colleague and I went to the home for elderly people. We arrived there before 10 and were already expected. After a short guide through the centre we settled down in a room which looked like a comfortable living room.

As soon as I entered that room I noticed the typical smell of elderly people. Not that it is something bad, I just sensed it.

Some of the elderly people seemed to have a fitter condition than others. One woman looked very fit. She could nearly walk without a walking frame, while others were sitting in a wheelchair.

We started to play Bingo right away. The students, who are working there for a project, read each number loud and clear twice. Also Sarah and I tried to participate. But it was quite hard with just the Finish numbers. All the winners were so happy with their prices.

It looked like the working group made an effort for this game. We played many rounds till 11:45am. Because by then, it was time for the elderly people to have lunch. After they left we talked a bit with the working group about their project.

They have to work there for 12 weeks each Wednesday. It looked like they enjoyed what they were doing. The group worked out a plan for the elderly people:

In my opinion I think I’ll never be able to work in a home for elderly people because I would feel too sorry for them. The “patients” seemed to be happy, but still I had a very sad feeling. I can’t exactly explain why.

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