Mittwoch, 25. Februar 2015

Swiss dinner

Cooking for 10 people

I promised my floormates to cook “Älplermacroni”, which is a Swiss dish. It contains just potatoes, pasta, cream, cheese, onions and apples. I know, you may think now: “apples?!- Wtf?!”

Whatever, I went to the store to buy all ingredients. It was quite hard to calculate how many potatoes and how much pasta was needed. In the end I went for a kilo each. The dinner was supposed to be at 7pm so I started with peeling the potatoes and apples at 5. It took a while to peel 1 kilo of apples and one of potatoes.

It didn’t make it easier that 5 out of 8 hotplates didn’t work. Also the fact that we just have 4 pans and 3 big pots in the kitchen was quite annoying.

In the end I managed to cook everything on time, but in my opinion, the dish was not as tasty as the original Swiss älplermacroni. Maybe it was the missing Swiss cheese or just the fact that I had to less of cream.

However, all the people from my corridor were over polite and lied that it was delicious. They are just too nice!! 

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